Thesis Works

Graduate Thesis

  • Gloria Colombo
    MorphOMICs, a tool for mapping microglial morphology, reveals brain region- and sex-dependent phenotypes. 2022.

Master's Thesis

  • Julie S. Murmann
    Investigating acute microglia response to seizure activity in vivo: Combining 2-Photon imaging and EEG recording.
    Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2024.


  • Rasika Jitendra Bagwe
    Activity analysis of putative excitatory and inhibitory neurons in primary visual cortex (V1) of mice under anesthesia using machine learning approaches.
    Supervisor: Prof. Gangolf Hirtz, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
    Externer Supervisor: Prof. Sandra Siegert. ISTA.


  • Gabriele Wögenstein
    Optimizing strategies for efficient transgene delivery in microglia via viral approaches.
    University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, Vienna, Austria. (received summa cum laude)
    Supervisor: Sandra Siegert.

  • Iris Soliman
    Targeting microglia with adeno-associated virus.
    Supervisor: Prof. Johannes Berger. Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
    Externer Supervisor: Prof. Sandra Siegert. ISTA.

  • Verena Hübschmann
    Characterization of microglia-like cells differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells.
    Supervisor: Prof. Regina Grillari. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BoKu), Vienna, Austria.
    Externer Supervisor: Prof. Sandra Siegert. ISTA.

Sandra's Thesis

  • Sandra Siegert
    The molecular logic of retinal cell types. 
    2010, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.