March 10th
Our lab member Medina shared her thoughts on what it’s like to be a woman working in STEM
February 27th
Dr. Gloria Columbo, a past PhD student at the Siegert lab, won the ANA best thesis award competition. Many congratulations to her.
December 16th
Verena’s and Medina’s Star Protocol is published! Find it here. Congratulation.
November 30th
Gloria moved on to her new position as a postdoctoral fellow at the lab of
Prof. Rosa Chiara Paolicelli group at the Université de Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland.
We wish her lots of success for her new career step!
October 24th
Gloria successfully defended her PhD thesis about MorphOMICs, a tool for mapping microglial morphology, reveals brain region- and sex-dependent phenotypes.
October 10th – 28th
Medina joined the CAJAL Neuroscience Training Course in Bordeaux, France to learn the newest trends about Brain Organoids.
September 30th
Gloria’s and Ryan’s MorphOMICs paper is now available. Find it here. Congratulation to all the team members working on this manuscript and a special thanks to our collaborators Kathryn Hess, Lida Kanari, Wojciech Chachólski, and Li-Huei Tsai.
August 23rd
Rouven successfully defended his PhD thesis: Chimeric G protein-coupled receptors mimic distinct signaling pathways and modulate microglia function. You can find the thesis here.
August 15th
Gloria’s and Ryan’s MorphOMICs paper is now available. Find it here. Congratulation to all the team members working on this manuscript and a special thanks to our collaborators Kathryn Hess, Lida Kanari, Wojciech Chachólski, and Li-Huei Tsai.
July 18th – 26th
Meet Natalie, Ryan, and Sandra at the FASEB – The Retinal Neurobiology and Visual Processing Conference in Southbridge/MA, USA and visit their poster about microglia involvement in neuronal circuit formation, how microglia morphological adapt in the retina, and the impact of mitochondria in distribution in the retina.
Congratulation to Natalie to give a Data blitz talk.
June 11th
Katarina’s, Verena’s, and Medina’s paper is now available. Congratulation! Find it here.
June 5 – 9th
Meet Sandra at the Keystone Symposia, Neuro-Immune Interactions in the Central Nervous System in Keystone, CO, USA and visit their poster and talk.
May 24th – 27th
Meet Maggie at the International Society for Eye (ISER)/ BrightFocus Glaucoma Symposium in Atlanta/GA.
Not only was her abstract selected for a travel award, she also received the Best Poster Award about her work of mitochondria in microglia during optic nerve crush.
Congratulation! Well deserved!
May 15th – 17th
Meet Sandra at the Cell Symposia: The biology of neuropsychiatric disorders in Sitges, Spain and listen to the newest data from the lab.
May 3rd
Sandra presents the recent data of the lab at the World Wide Neuro Brain-Body-Interaction Virtual Seminar Series
Gloria joined the Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies (NSAS) in Venice, Italy to learn the newest insights about Neuroinflammation
April 19th
Sandra speaks about how microglia alter brain infrastructures and influence neuronal activity at the MIT Aging Brain Seminar Series.
April 1st – 2nd
Sandra gives a talk at the Pro RETINA Research-Colloquium in Potsdam, Germany about the most recent work about transducing microglia with AAV in the retina.
Ryan and Sandra represent the Siegert lab at the ISTA Life Science Retreat, Retz, Austria, where Ryan presents his recent work about MorphOMICs.
February 28th
Maggie gives a talk at the XXIX Workshop – Mitochondrial anion carrier: A review on their multiple function in mitochondrial metabolism at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria
Alessandro present a journal club about his paper at the John Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research
December 14th
Sandra presents at the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
December 11th
Alessandro’s STAR protocol is now available here.
November 15th
Sandra gives a talk at the Biomedical vision seminar from the University Bonn in Germany
September 17th – 20th
Meet Rouven, Gloria, Fleur, Alessandro, Ryan and Sandra at the 17th ANA (Austrian Neuroscience Association) meeting in Salzburg, Austria.
Rouven will give a Poster flash.
Congratulation to Gloria and Fleur, who both received a travel grant!
September 14th
Maggie’s and Gabi’s paper is published! Thanks also to the other team members supporting the study. Find it here.
October 19th – 23rd
Meet Alessandro and Sandra at the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual Meeting in Chicago, Il, USA. Alessandro gives a talk at the first session of the conference, Sandra at the last. Do not miss it!
Congratulation to Alessandro, whose abstract has been selected as a Hot topic in neuroscience out of more than 14’000 abstracts submitted to the world’s largest neuroscience conference!
September 12th – 14th
Gloria, Balint, Maggie, Alessandro, and Sandra joined the European Retina Meeting 2019 at Helsinki, Finland.
August 10th
Congratulation to Maggie, Gloria and Rouven for their review about viral transduction of microglia. Find the paper here.
June 16th – 20th
Meet Rouven and Sandra at the Keystone Symposia – Neuronal Environment in Disease: Glial responses and Neuroinflammation, Keystone, CO, USA.
Both have been selected to present their abstract during the meeting, so check it out!
Sandra’s talk has been highlighted in: https://www.alzforum.org/news/conference-coverage/down-sex-boy-and-girl-microglia-respond-differently
May 8th
Join the talk from Sandra at the Harvard Neuroendocrine Dialogues – Special Seminar in Boston/MA, USA, where she will talk about “How micorglia respond to anesthesia and impact brain plasticity”.
March 22nd
Margaret E. Maes invited for a talk at Mito Meeting (Hot topics in mitochondrial physiology), Medical University Vienna, Vienna Austria.
January 22nd
Sandra presents the recent research data at the EPFL, Campus biotech, Geneve, Switzerland.
November 26th
Sandra gives a talk at the Brain Research Institute Monday Seminar, University of Zürich, Switzerland.
February 2nd
Sandra presents a seminar about “Microglia-neuron interaction during retinal development and degeneration” for SFB-F44, University Innsbruck, Austria
October 5th – 7th
The Siegert group joins the European Retina Meeting 2017 in Paris, France.
Gloria has been selected to give a quick fire presentation.
September 27th
Meet Gloria, Rouven, and Alessandro at the 15th ANA (Austrian Neuroscience Association) Meeting in Klosterneuburg, Austria.
Gloria’s and Alessandro’s abstracts have been selected for a Poster Flash.
Sandra presents at the Neuroscience Seminar Series, University Ulm, Germany about “How a gene malfunction leads to a disease phenotype: from epigenetics to immune cell function”.
Rouven, Gloria, and Sandra joined the ISTA Cell and Development Retreat, Gera, Austria.
Congratulations to Gloria. She won the Best Poster Prize.